There is a humbling privilege that comes with being a residential designer that I never could have fully anticipated before I became one, and it’s this: I get to witness to so many different peoples’ lives when they’re in their most comfortable, safe, sacred spaces… guards down; truths exposed. It absolutely blows my mind when I think about all of the times design has allowed me to be present for some wonderful people in the midst of major life moments, which often include hardships as well as victories and celebrations.

On social media you get to see loads of pretty things and pretty spaces, but the most spectacular part of these spaces that don’t often get featured is the people who live in them. I’ve been able to create new spaces for friends, family and strangers alike after divorces, marriages, illnesses, sending kids away to college or welcoming new babies to their families… the list goes on. I’m so thankful every day for the beautiful souls I get to encounter because of this business. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives!

This particular project was one of the most special I’ve been able to take part in yet. Just before Christmas of last year, I got a message from my good friend, Jeff, saying he’d like to give his wife a gift certificate for Christmas to let her re-design any room in their home of her choosing. (What a great husband, right ladies!?!) Of course, I was pumped out of my mind to get to do this job for someone that I know and love, so we got everything squared away, and I got to start designing their office space/music room and their powder room this past Spring.

Throughout the project, I got to work with and reconnect with Jeff’s wife, Marlys, who is a incredibly beautiful person inside and out. She’s the kind of soul that just spills out joy, vibrance, truth, life and boldness onto everyone around her. She dominated at being a soccer coach to her girls’ team, she is a brilliant business woman, she is a hard worker, she is FUN, she’s a loyal friend (there were ALWAYS people stopping by the house to visit her), and most importantly, she’s an incredibly loving and devoted wife and mama to her three gorgeous kids and great husband. What is even more amazing about this woman and her family, though, is that they all carry these characteristics with infectious joy and enthusiasm, even though they are in the midst of a huge battle. A stranger would never walk into their home and assume they’re carrying this burden because of the way that they power through life and love others so hard.


Left: This sign a friend of Marlys’ made for her is so fitting: “Cancer is so Limited: It cannot Cripple Love, Shatter Hope, Dissolve Faith, Kill Friendships, Silence Courage, Steal Eternal life, or Conquer the Spirit”.   Right: Wonder Woman herself and me on the last day of the project.

The thing is, Marlys has advanced metastatic breast cancer. She has been fighting HARD for 4+ years, and believe me when I say, she is the definition of the word “fierce”, my friends. I wish and still pray with all my heart she can stay on this earth and continue to raise her beautiful kiddos and love her amazing husband, but that’s not what the test results are telling her and it’s heartbreaking. In the midst of their pain, they could have chosen to isolate and live in defeat, but instead they’ve allowed me and so many others into their home and family life where I’ve witnessed life changing beauty. I only helped make a pretty office space and a pretty powder room, but they’ve given me so much more true beauty than I could ever give them. They’ve shown me how to stare fear in the face defiantly and fight for life and love no matter what. They’ve reminded me to live life to the very fullest every day, to love on my family and friends like crazy, and to place all of my trust and hope in a creator who loves us enough to walk WITH us through “the hard” (as Marlys calls it) and fill us with unexplainable joy and peace even in the midst of the most excruciating moments of life. That’s who these people are and that’s how they live. Unapologetically. Boldly. Beautifully. 

If you’d like to read more about Marlys’ journey with cancer, I really encourage you to follow her instagram account: @graceandthecword . She’s so vulnerable and honest in her posts, and although I’m still believing for a miracle, I know that no matter what, her legacy and incredible testimony will touch so many lives. Go follow her, friends! I know you won’t regret it.

SO, without further adieu, I give you the before and afters of #thejoyhouserevamp office and powder room below! I’m so thrilled with the end result, because it reflects this family’s bold joy and zest for life. Marlys and Jeff are THE BEST clients and trusted my crazy ideas completely. Some of their only major requests were: “no white walls, and more pops of color, please”. So, that’s what we did! With stunning herringbone tile floor detail throughout both spaces, custom shelving, bold lighting and more, this one is sure to please! Enjoy, friends! And then go squeeze a friend or family member tight for me!


Office Before:




Office After:











Powder Room Before:





Powder Room After:











P.S. To view MORE photos, go to my Gallery page here! And, as always, feel free to drop me a comment below! Thanks, lovelies!

(Story shared with permission)

* Interior Design by: Alyssa Hill, Hill Interiors LLC 

  Photography by: Autumn Rae Photography *