I have a craaazy exciting announcement to make, friends! Drumroll, please!……. Hill Interiors and Guest House Shop are partnering up to bring beautiful, SHOP-ABLE  homes to Colorado Springs! (Yes, you heard me right. I said SHOP-ABLE!) I am SO. EXCITED.

I’ve followed Guest House Shop for quite a while now, and I’ve mildly (or maybe not so mildly…) stalked their IG feed daily since I first discovered them. So, imagine my pure bliss now that I now get to help them bring their brilliant concept to Colorado Springs for the first time ever!

Guest House Shop black and wood Kitchen with glass pendants
See?! I just can’t stop drooling over this kitchen, guys… (Styled by The Fourth House/Bret Alexandra, Photo by Kylie Fitts for Guest House Shop )

So, what is Guest House?

Here’s what Guest House is in case you aren’t familiar with them yet (and if you’re not, I HIGHLY encourage you to follow them on IG or check out their website!): It’s a type of home staging in which we take a beautiful home that’s ready to go on the market, the designer curates a list of high-quality home goods and furnishings from local makers according to that unique space, collaborates with those makers to design and style the home, and then that home becomes shop-able to the public, just like a pop-up shop! It’s SO brilliant, right?!

Guest House Shop living room
Styling by The Fourth House/Bret Alexandra, Photo by Kylie Fitts for Guest House Shop.
Guest House Shop living room
Styling by The Fourth House/Bret AlexandraPhoto by Kylie Fitts for Guest House Shop.

What sets Guest House apart from typical home staging?

I absolutely love that Guest House focuses on showcasing and supporting LOCAL artists and furniture makers from right here in Colorado to stage their gorgeous, on-trend homes. This is a massive selling point for me because I so often see local arts get pushed aside for cheaper, easier options. I mean, we’ve all done it right? It seems so much easier to search for an item on Wayfair and make a purchase with the click of a button than it is to go out and physically shop local, BUT another perk to Guest House is that it now really is just as easy because almost every item used in a home staging is then put up on their website for sale, can be purchased online, and can ship anywhere in the US. If you can’t see the home in person (but you should, because they’re amazing), online shopping is always an option. This really helps these incredible artists and makers get their brands out there and it encourages the creativity, value, and quality they bring to the table (pun intended).

Quality over Quantity + Collaboration over Competition

This out-of-the-box kind of staging ensures that the design in each home is thoughtfully planned and curated from the very beginning and Guest House designers go through the full design process from start to finish for each home.  As a result, an incredibly collaborative process between the designers, realtors, developers & builders, makers, etc. ensues. It is such a fantastic community building business model that can potentially crumble barriers between the corporate world and smaller local business. It fuses the two worlds together in a way I rarely see, and that’s just beautiful. In a culture where everyone preaches “collaboration over competition,” this is one of the few business models I have actually seen successfully accomplish that goal.

And of course, the public (aka YOU!) gets to come and ogle gorgeous homes + gorgeous home goods in the process and feel great about supporting our awesome local economy at the same time. In the words of Michael Scott, I call that a “WIN, WIN, WIN,” folks!

So, come and visit us soon, OK?!

Stay tuned for our first ever Colorado Springs shop-able home (hopefully coming soon!). I can’t wait to show you what our local makers’ scene has to offer in this great city! Make sure you’re following along on Instagram at both @hillinteriorsllc and @Guesthouseshop, and sign up for my newsletter updates at the bottom of this page so that you won’t miss your opportunity to visit us when we have a home open to shop! 

Thank you for all of your support in this adventure, lovely people! See you at the next Guest House Shop!





** P.S. If you or someone you know make quality, modern home goods of any kind in Colorado Springs & surrounding areas, let me know! I’m working on building up a solid list of vendors to use in our spectacular homes!

Also, I am looking to partner with realtors and builders who are representing on-trend homes in Colorado Springs. If you or anyone you know fits that description, please email me at or contact me here. Thank you so much, my friends!